Be seen to be heard : Bards, live band photoshoot, Aatma, Manchester.

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Bards, live band photo shoot, Aatma, Manchester. Photography by Alexandra Kenyon, Studio5, Manchester.

At Studio5, live music photography holds a special place in our hearts. There’s something electrifying about being right there at the front, immersed in the music, with our intimate lenses capturing the raw energy and emotion of the moment. We’re all about getting up close, feeling the vibe, and freezing those unforgettable live moments forever.

Here’s a glimpse of some incredible live shots we took of the amazing Bards band during their performance at Aatma, Manchester, UK. It wasn’t long ago, but the energy of that night still feels fresh—every beat, every note, every moment was pure magic. Check out these images and relive the excitement with us!

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